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Patrick Zabel
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22" X 15" X 10"
February, 24th 2013
Rodeo bullrider and Bull fighter scenario I call. Standing in the Gap, a biblical truth from Eziekel 13:5 and other accounts. This biblical truth is prophesied by Eziekel in a confrontational manner to the false prophets, yet declares a very profitable truth! Read it for yourselves. My bullfighter friends on the rodeo circuit have always held my respect and admiration as some of the greatest and toughest athletes in the world, who put themselves in harms way daily and one after another. Representative of men and women I have met from all over the world and what men of "faith" should strive to be."When the Legends die there are no more dreams, when the dreams die there is no more greatness"First read this saying when I was 13 in A book written by Hal Borland called "When the Legends Die"....