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Rush Cole
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9" x 7" Unframed
January, 17th 2016
"GARDENIA DREAM II"Gardenias make me feel rich, whether I'm simply looking at them or living with them as they float serenely in bowls of water on tables in my home and studio. I've painted these exquisite flowers for years, sometimes as over-sized transparent watercolors, and sometimes in oil pigment, needing to feel the creaminess in my choice of medium.I associate gardenias with dreams, or maybe with "dreaminess", although I can't explain why particularly. This specific painting was one I'd been wanting to create for a while, mainly for the fun of contrasting those fragile petals against a sturdy ceramic bowl; aubergine brown against deep crimson fabric under all.For a very short time, this miniature treasure is available for more than 2/3 off regular price. Remember to click on the website image for a closeup view of the art.www.rushcolefineart.com/MoreFLORALS.htmlA lovely Valentine's Day gift!