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Rush Cole
to receive their most current artwork
28" x 22"
January, 17th 2016
One for the Rodeo Fans:"SLAM DUNK!", 28" x 22", oil on canvas, gallery-wrapped, wired and ready to exhibit.I love rodeos, always have, from the very first one I ever saw on TV when I was a preschooler. A couple years ago my art was selected as the official poster for Rodeo de Santa Fe's 65th PRCA Event, and all of a sudden, I was living a dream. Wearing a Press Pass, I had free range privileges to photograph, observe, study and simply get down and roll around in the nitty-gritty of an authentic American rodeo!"SLAM DUNK!" was inspired by one of the saddle bronc contestants. His rough stock mount launched itself out of the chute with such explosive fury that it was stunning to watch. Snorting with the effort of dislodging the cowboy on her back, this mare was one mean lady as she executed a classic jump/slam, jump/slam bone-jarring dance across the arena.Made for a great ride for the cowboy, though; once he caught the rhythm, he was in classic form on top of her until the pickup men plucked him off.www.rushcolefineart.com/SLAMDUNKbig.html